Coming up in 2024

Higher impact, elevated utility

Hi Friends!! 👋🏾

Welcome to all the folks who’ve joined The Green Room since last year! If you haven’t subscribed, come on in and subscribe here:

Have a friend who can benefit from our coverage of leading conferences? If so, click the button below! Thanks for sharing.

New Year’s Evolution

Let’s dive in

Is it too late to say Happy New Year??? Either way, I’m going for it! I hope you got some rest, ate some good food, and laughed your way into the new year!

I am excited to jump in and update y’all on what’s coming for The Green Room. In short, we’re aiming to make our interactions more meaningful and relevant for you. Here’s what you can expect:

🌟 Industry Focused

We've been in conversation with many of you, and it's clear that more than information, you want strategic insights that elevate your position and business. In response, we’ll be bringing you established and emerging conferences that align with your industry and interests, including how to get the most out of them. The intention is to offer guidance that helps you make informed decisions on what to attend and what to skip. Hopefully, we can save you some Bitcoin 💰 along the way.

📅 Curated Frequency

We're shifting from weekly to monthly emails. Why? Because quality trumps quantity. Our goal is to ensure that each email we send is valuable and timely, not just another item in your inbox. If you find yourself missing that weekly vibe, you’ll be able to tap into more emails as we launch the various industry emails that align with your interests and priorities.

🧰 Utility First

We recognize the diverse interests within our community and how limited your time is. Initially, we’re going to focus on categories (i.e., startups, tech, and finance) that you care about and include useful features that take work off your plate. For example, we want to make it easy to add to your calendar reminders so you don’t miss the rooms you need to be in. We also want to give you timely heads-up so you save money on conference tickets. The ambition is to deliver more relevant content and tools that align with your professional interests and goals.

Community Powered

We’re exploring some really exciting partnerships this month, and we’ll share more as soon as we can. In the meantime, we want to keep your voice and needs front and center. Help us keep leveling up our curation by taking a moment to complete the 1-question poll below and share your main objective for attending conferences this year. Your input will directly influence how we tailor our content to better serve your needs.

What is your primary goal for attending conferences in 2024

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

Here's to a year of growth, learning, and gettin’ that green.

Stay tuned,

Amy & Bryan

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